About Smartwatches4u.com
Smartwatches4u.com was launched in 2017 and since then has provided unbiased information about Smartwatches to it’s readers. Mika, part of the smartwatches4u.com, has been rocking a smartwatch since 2013 when the Pebble watch came out.
Our in-depth reviews and guides will help you to get into the world of smartwatches and by providing some facts about smartwatches we also make using a smartwatch more enjoyable. Our team is actively following what is going on the industry as well as using smartwatch in our every day lives.

Mika K.
Smartwatch user
Hi, I’m Mika, a keen smartwatch user hungry to learn more. My first smartwatch was the Pebble watch that was released in 2013. And it got me hooked on smartwatches. Nowadays I have an iWatch series 5 on my wrist.

Antti A
Smartwatch user
I'm Antti, always interested in trying new gadgets and was really excited when wearable technology came available. Currently rocking Fitbit Versa 2 on my wrist. A smartwatch I can easily recommend.
Some of the smartwatches we have are sponsored and given by watch companies themselves. However, we are extremely clear with the brands we work with that we will never, ever sugarcoat our reviews. For non-sponsored watches, we just buy them on Amazon.
We rigorously review each smartwatch with the following criteria: Value For Money, Reliability, Manufacturer Reputation & Design.
SmartWatches4u.com is 100% reader powered. We keep this website running with affiliate commissions and ads, which means that when you purchase through the links on this website, we make a small commission (with no extra charge to you). We also monetize with sponsored posts from smartwatch brands.